

Hanaû, the Monkey and the Truly Inspired

Part Four — The Link and the Spark Had Hanaû been changed by entering a vortex for the second time? When he had fully immersed himself into the vortex for the first time, he had lost his precious sense of a personal self and found out that having one was a joke. There was no such true thing or True person that was apart from the One Being that animated us all. He was still laughing from that first immersion....

Coming Soon!!!

The Feminists From Outer Space Comic Book!

We are excited to announce that we are making one of Santosha Ma’s many great stories into a comic book/graphic novel. The first issue of the Feminists from Outer Space is currently in the works, adapted & scripted by myself and illustrated by Joan Igawa. The final issue will be available in this years Tantric Series Creative Journal, a collection of creativity from Santosha Ma’s circle, also currently in production. Please enjoy the preview of below images to see how...

The Master Trickster, the Coyote and the Brokenhearted

By Santosha Tantra Yakataboof got up every day for the last week and noticed the scrawny looking coyote resting on the dirt behind a mesquite bush. He wondered why the coyote had settled into that spot not more than a hundred feet past his swelling. The coyote disappeared from that spot in the early morning and late evening to hunt, Yakataboof surmised. He saw him once lapping water up from one of his fountains and ponds and began leaving the...

The Link and The Spark

By Santosha Tantra Freedom Rider was geared up with her hiking boots and sticks and a full tank of gas. Today was an ascension day—up the mountain road till it ended. As she ascended, Freedom Rider handled the mountain curves with a steady push—up 1,000 feet, to 8,000 feet above the valley floor. Freedom Rider always got her there. The mountain air was twenty degrees cooler than the valley, a fall nip in the air causing the aspens to turn...

And Yes, There Will be Treachery Involved: A Love Story

She was seventy years old and she was getting married (again).  And to a much younger man; a man half her age.  Theirs was a most peculiar arrangement and relationship.  The reasons why this is so will unfold, but will that shed light on this couple’s dynamic?  We’ll see. It was her spontaneous urge to pull off the road and park at what was discovered to be a trailhead.  They decided to hike up the mountain, perhaps all the way...

Let The Revolution Begin

Let the revolution begin. In this day, the right to not be the ego-I, had not been won. Many of the other differences—different ethnic, racial backgrounds, different sexual attraction, differences between men and women—all the hard-fought needs and rights that were ‘signed into law’ to be openly allowed and assimilated into the culture were being lived openly and widely accepted. All except the right to no difference, the actuality of not actually being a private citizen, or a public one....

Master Bonsai and the Dance of Eternity

Master Bonsai Fails But Triumphs Anyways Master Bonsai always pissed on the potted trees. No one could understand why his piss didn’t kill the bonsai trees. The miniature trees always thrived under Master Bonsai’s care if you could call it that. He never even noticed the trees, he was skeptical of any tree that was well tended but not allowed its commanding growth. His students so loved the bonsai trees and credited him with the spiritual flow or chi or...

Wild West of Enlightenment, Part 3: The Force of Awakening

Mahoot undertook her final bipop ritual. Yakataboof and her sister Yahoot watched as she ingested the Mawoni plant. She happily took her vow of life extension for the sake of her life goal, which was to serve the art of awakening. The understanding of who she is, the self-recognition of herself as realized shakti never left her. It always lived her now. How was she changed by her self-recognition, by her understanding? She was now aware of the dreaming of...

Wild West of Enlightenment Part 2: Mahoot Gives A Hoot

The Wild West of Enlightenment Part 2: Mahoot Gives a Hoot Mahoot felt the wind on her face, a gentle warming breeze; it felt like a caress. It reminded her of her sister Yahoot and how she always lightly touched her face. It was always a light swipe across her cheek. She always felt her sister’s deep affection for her in that caress even though she often followed it with some teasing. She thought of her sister. It had been...

The Wild West of Enlightenment

Yakaboobis and his best friend Yakataboof had an urge to go on a journey. “Where do you want to go this time?” asked Yakataboof. “We’ve been home for a while, what’s a good place to have some fun and cause some good-hearted trouble?” “That last trip to the outer rings of Blue Tarn proved to be of some considerable fun. We could go there and explore the inner rings this time” Yakaboobis suggested. “I heard there was a lot of...