Talk Transcipts


Vulnerability is the Answer to Everything

7/22/2016 This is a Friday night with Santosha Ma, and She skipped meditation to talk with us about what was happening in Her circle of devotees at that time, and how to help each other in love. SANTOSHA MA:  It took a lot to convey that other people are suffering, and that in relationship, sometimes you are the cause of the suffering.  It has been hard for all of you to do that, to acknowledge that you might be the...

Modern Day Ego Hype vs. Actual Experience

Eastern Sierras    July, 2008 Santosha Ma:  Anybody can like music, but that does not mean you are a musician.  You can talk about how much you like about music, and you can say, ‘I like that song,’ but it does not mean you have the experience of someone who has actually spent countless years and days learning something.  But in our culture, because we have affluence and we have access to almost anybody’s experience – people who have real experience...

Adi Da and the Patriarchy: Interview with Santosha Ma and Torrey

10/28/2018 Santosha Ma:  I wrote some things in my journal this morning to try to further process this dynamic that we’ve experienced in our lives in the spiritual, as well as how the patriarchy affected it, and our journey on the spiritual path. Also, how it affected our relationship with my teachers, and your teachers – me being one of them.  I’ll just read this.  It’s a little bit intense, but…    Torrey:   Good!! (laughs) Because it is intense!  Santosha...